I will throw myself at the world and see what happens. No pretends, no lies, let it all out.
Everybody sucks but me.
* * * * * * *
The world is hard. Ouch
I am sorry, world.
I give up. I will be nice.
You think I am your friend?
You have no idea what you’re messing with.
I’m here for a good time, not a long time.
And I’m going to have a good time
getting you, Gloopyboy.
Ha, ha, ha.
Somebody PLEASE help me.
* * * * * * *
Nobody will believe you, you're crazy.
I will help you, Gloopy, I know what happened.
Close your eyes. Go inside and find your heart.
Once you feel your heart, BE your heart.
Now, say to yourself, "this is me" the same
way you normally think "that’s me"
when you look in the mirror.
This is going to change the world!!!
Mirror Jewelry
Thank you, wise owls.
You’re welcome, Gloopy.
That was some adventure!
Guess what your heart says back, when you…
Look Your Heart In The Mirror™
Love You, HI, Trust Me